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quarta-feira, 27 de agosto de 2014

Miscrits: Sunfall Kingdom Hack 27.08.2014

Miscrits: Sunfall Kingdom Hack 27.08.2014

Use speed hack zero to pause the game at initial logo before the world appear.

+ party anywhere
+ free capture, further use book capture cost none (not working~_~)
+ talents : enable 3 specific talents, speed (world move speed), heal all using viture anywhere, teleport, should not affect other talents. (beware teleport, I don't know if other player can see your player's activity, but the teleport trait is only selectable at lv200 or purchased with real money).
+ x3 speed for world move speed if above cheat is on



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Item Reviewed: Miscrits: Sunfall Kingdom Hack 27.08.2014 Description: Rating: 5 Reviewed By: FaceCheatsBrasil.org
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